Wednesday, 25 May 2011

My Little Spark

Someone once told me that sparks do not exist, and that I may never find one. This project follows all the little sparks I see in everyday life, that keep me going, creating, living, seeing. See, they do exist.

David Lynch Interview Project

What a great, simple idea

Inner Knowings

"Heart and the mind working together to make an inner knowing" - David Lynch


This image was created for my current series "My Little Spark"
Ive decided not to use this as a final piece, I'm not sure how I feel about it.
The mirror here is acting as a extension of the landscape in the frame.

Primary Subject

These stunning images by Hannah Laylock were creating using mirrors and a subject. The idea behind the project is to question the role of mirrors and how here the mirror is in fact acting as a barrier rather than  a clear visual reflection of ourselves. I find these fascinating and like the way we are allowed to see something that is actually outside of the frame, this references the viewer. Power relations are important here too, I like how Hannah has thought about this and attempts to make us question this relationship.

Windows of discontent

Im looking at this image thinking about my inner thoughts and feelings at the moment, I'm playing with the bright becoming the dark.

Play Me Something

Recent shoot for two musicians. More details soon, I like something different.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Photography as Submission

     The Great Unreal

Visually these images make me question everything , it is not clear what the intent or meaning of the image is.  Which is why I love it. Was the photographer clear or this and how does this effect the practice.  Does it free them of the need to create 'meaning' which in itself makes it a much less honest/cathartic act? I am very interested in how these images act as a submission, that this moment and scene is worth consideration. I find these compositions and arrangements simply amazing and Ive not seen anything for a while that has really challenged my perception of the image and its creation, but most importantly giving me more questions than answers.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Dazed and Confused

               Björk | September 2004

I just spotted this cover, I love it. They seemed to have folded paper on top of the image itself, I am unsure. This idea of not knowing quite how or what the image is trying to say is something which I quite enjoy. The power of perception.

FREEDOM - Progress

What does a sense of freedom mean for you?

So my current project is going really well. Ive been exploring and creating some quite obscure compositions. I have been shooting objects, places and anything that I am instinctively drawn to, sometimes I cannot explain why. I have been experimenting with water and its symbolic visual qualities on top of my work.

It seems the image is never enough for me, in previous projects I have torn my work, this physical connection is something which I want to explore and question further. Why is it I feel the need to delve further into thought about my images and alter them, distort them. I think my work is in a way autobiographical. I do in a sense feel free, where as before I felt trapped.

Image making is cathartic to me, I never know where its going to take me and its this what excites me so about it. What is real about these images and what isn't? Where is this going to take me? By pushing my own boundaries of image making?

Any thoughts?